How our last update helps your email with personalization and automation

update automation

There has been a lot of news lately about “AI”, “Machine Learning”, and “Deep Learning” – okay, so maybe not in “everyday” news, but in the news that I (and many other geeks like me) follow, and there are huge steps being made in these areas of study. It’s an exciting time to put your trust in robots! …or at least cede some control to our inevitable robot overlords.

The addition of a simple tool

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. These robots still have some serious learning and tweaking to do before they can think for themselves, and more importantly, before they can think for us. Which is why at Timyo, we are exploring how some of this burgeoning technology can help us and our users to be more productive and save themselves (and others) some time.

For now, we have started with the addition of a simple tool to help our users more clearly communicate their intentions. Before this addition, when a Timyo user received an email, they could quickly and easily “send” an email to the day that they wanted to respond to it. Then on that day, the person using Timyo would know that they needed to respond. It’s crystal clear! But what about a sender that is not using Timyo? They don’t necessarily know that you (as the Timyo user) intend to respond to them on that day. The original sender may get concerned that you even received the email and maybe send you a followup, “Did you get my email?” which would then require a response like, “Yes, got it! I’ll get back to you in a couple days!” – and all of this is counter to our mission at Timyo. All of that back-and-forth takes time and effort and that’s something we’re trying to help with.

An important step towards “smart” automation

So our latest update includes a simple tool that will automatically send a message to the original email sender, letting them know the exact day/date by which you intend to respond. Of course you can customize your message and choose whether or not you even want to use this feature, but we feel this is an important step towards “smart” automation. This one simple addition adds to our mission of clarity and our desire to help Timyo users be more respectful and give the gift of time with every email sent.

We have created this tool and are working many other small tools like this, that as a whole will improve your email experience, so that you can work smarter, not harder. Along with these tools, we are continuing to add more personalization options, so that you, the user, can deal with your emails the way that you like. In this update, we have also added landscape view support, as well as HTML signature support and a very quick way to empty your Trash – all top requests from our users!

We want to save you time – a very precious commodity that everyone would like some more of. By thinking of new and innovative uses for the technology around us, we think we can find the right balance of the human touch vs. robotic automation – and in the end, everyone will benefit.

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