timyo email plugin for Gmail on Chrome

Plugin to the future of email

So, did you know that Timyo has a plugin for Gmail on Chrome? Some people do, some don’t, but to be honest, we haven’t really pushed this knowledge too heavily to the public. Of course we want people to use it and tell us what they think about it, but just like our app launch, we have started with a smaller subset of our total future audience in the hopes to gather data and build the most relevant product for our current and future users. Much more than an email productivity app From the get-go, Timyo was never meant to… Continue reading Plugin to the future of email

productivity tips part 1

Best of the Best: Top 10 Productivity Tips from Around the Web (Part I)

One of Timyo’s biggest goals is to help people increase their productivity. So, as 2016 gets under way, we thought it would be useful to highlight some of the great productivity advice from great minds around the Internet. Here are #10-6, and we’ll follow up with the final five next week. In the meantime, have a productive week, and thanks for reading! 10. Calendars beat To-Do Lists This helpful tip comes from Zac Mustapha‘s great Lifehack article “12 Super Productivity Tips Every Entrepreneur Must Know“. To-do lists can be seductive (which is probably the first time in history that sentence has been… Continue reading Best of the Best: Top 10 Productivity Tips from Around the Web (Part I)

The Timyo Manifesto: 10 Ideas Toward Better Email

As we launch Timyo out into the great, big world (!), we wanted to share some of the thoughts that have served as the focus of our work here since Day 1. 1. Email is broken. It’s time to fix it. Simply put, if email weren’t broken, Timyo wouldn’t exist. We saw a world in which email had gone from being seen as a powerful, essential communication tool to being hated as one big time-sucking annoyance. How did this happen? More importantly, how could you possibly fix something as omnipresent and deeply embedded as email? Timyo is our answer to… Continue reading The Timyo Manifesto: 10 Ideas Toward Better Email

Founders' Note Launch

Founders’ Note: 3…2….1 Launch!

For entrepreneurs, the moment a product goes live brings very specific, intense emotions—not unlike what you experience when your kids are born.  On the one hand, a product launch is a culmination, the moment that so many other moments and years have been building toward; on the other, it is a commencement, the beginning of a whole new adventure. For the past two years, we have worked with passion and enthusiasm to write out the first lines of this adventure. Starting from scratch, the blank page, is never easy, but it has been an immensely rewarding experience that we would recommend to… Continue reading Founders’ Note: 3…2….1 Launch!

join timyo and the email revolution

Join Timyo and the Email Revolution!

With our launch date fast approaching, we can’t wait to share Timyo with the world! We are so excited in part because we have always viewed Timyo as much more than just another email app…we see it instead as the beginning of a very important conversation, as the opening salvo in a revolution that will change the way we use email. For all of its flaws (many delineated on this very blog), we believe that email is and will continue to be an important communication tool for a long time to come. Global email use is currently estimated at over… Continue reading Join Timyo and the Email Revolution!

mailbox is shutting down, give timyo a try

What the late Mailbox App scratched, Timyo reaches far beyond

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” This quote from Alexander Graham Bell, is meant to positive and illustrate the fact that we can’t linger too long in the past, especially when there is a brighter future right in front of us. I just recently learned that the email productivity app, Mailbox, will be shutting down in the near future and to be honest, I was a little shocked. I mean, these guys were acquired… Continue reading What the late Mailbox App scratched, Timyo reaches far beyond

One simple idea

One simple idea to turn the world of email on its head

When I was approached by the founders of Timyo to come on board and help them build an email app, I thought, “That sounds like fun! But…does the world really need another email app? Don’t Gmail and Microsoft already have that in the bag?” As it turns out, no, they do not have it in the bag; in fact, they, like many others, are still looking for a large enough bag to contain this problem. High Expectations What convinced me to join Timyo was the very simple premise that Timyo is based on: Allow the person sending an email to… Continue reading One simple idea to turn the world of email on its head

saving time featured

No such thing as saving time

Everywhere we go, we are offered opportunities to save time. We are proffered a panoply of shortcuts, lifehacks, and end runs that—if only properly applied—will somehow allow us to accrue a surplus of that most valuable resource: time. This is of course total bullshit. Time is so valuable precisely because we can’t save it. I know what you’re thinking: “Yeah, everybody knows you can’tliterally save time. It’s just a figure of speech. Stop being pedantic.” And while I freely admit that I am more than passing familiar with a little pedantry now and again, I do think it’s important that… Continue reading No such thing as saving time

The Productivity Illusion

The Productivity Illusion: Why Busy-ness is Bad for Business

We would all like to be more productive, to get more done, to push our careers forward. This is an admirable goal, and willing to do hard work in order to achieve it is important and worthwhile. Too often, though, we confuse being busy with doing good work. If I am working all the time, stressed about returning those emails asap, checking my phone 50 times a day to make sure I’m not missing anything important, then I must be doing something right, right? Wrong. There’s an old Spanish saying that I love that translates roughly as: “I dress myself… Continue reading The Productivity Illusion: Why Busy-ness is Bad for Business

How Timyo brings clarity to business email

Let’s Be Clear: How Timyo Brings Clarity to Business Email

“To speak kindly, speak clearly.” —Delfina Goikoetxea We don’t do anyone any favors when we don’t say what we mean. That seems obvious, but all too often we are presented with situations in which we find ourselves struggling to come up with the right words. That’s why there are Hallmark cards with pre-written sentiments—it’s not that Uncle Ted and Aunt Missy don’t really care about your graduation…they just don’t feel like they can express themselves with more clarity than some guy who gets paid to write stuff like “ConGRADulations, Nephew!” for a living. Coming up with the right way of… Continue reading Let’s Be Clear: How Timyo Brings Clarity to Business Email