elon musk loves email

Elon Musk Loves Email. As a Manager, You Should Too.

“I do love email. Wherever possible I try to communicate asynchronously. I’m really good at email.” -Elon Musk Elon Musk made news again last week when SpaceX successfully landed the first stage of a Falcon 9 rocket. While this is technically awesome and looks really cool, for our purposes I’m more interested in the fact that it is one more incredible thing that Elon Musk has accomplished. And I think I speak for everyone when I say that, obviously, all of the amazing things that Mr. Musk has done so far can be traced back to one root cause—his well-established… Continue reading Elon Musk Loves Email. As a Manager, You Should Too.

Why Good Email is One More Thing That Millennials Will Take For Granted

The other day I was talking to a sixteen-year-old who I know (I’m pretty hip), and I don’t remember what we were talking about, but at one point I off-handedly said “you know, like after 9/11”. He looked at me blankly and said “I was two on 9/11.” Wow. This made me think about two things: The fact that I am really behind on doing any kind of long-term financial retirement planning, and All of the ways in which life is different for people 10 or 20 years younger than me. The main obvious difference  is our relationship to technology.… Continue reading Why Good Email is One More Thing That Millennials Will Take For Granted

The Timyo Manifesto: 10 Ideas Toward Better Email

As we launch Timyo out into the great, big world (!), we wanted to share some of the thoughts that have served as the focus of our work here since Day 1. 1. Email is broken. It’s time to fix it. Simply put, if email weren’t broken, Timyo wouldn’t exist. We saw a world in which email had gone from being seen as a powerful, essential communication tool to being hated as one big time-sucking annoyance. How did this happen? More importantly, how could you possibly fix something as omnipresent and deeply embedded as email? Timyo is our answer to… Continue reading The Timyo Manifesto: 10 Ideas Toward Better Email

Founders' Note Launch

Founders’ Note: 3…2….1 Launch!

For entrepreneurs, the moment a product goes live brings very specific, intense emotions—not unlike what you experience when your kids are born.  On the one hand, a product launch is a culmination, the moment that so many other moments and years have been building toward; on the other, it is a commencement, the beginning of a whole new adventure. For the past two years, we have worked with passion and enthusiasm to write out the first lines of this adventure. Starting from scratch, the blank page, is never easy, but it has been an immensely rewarding experience that we would recommend to… Continue reading Founders’ Note: 3…2….1 Launch!

join timyo and the email revolution

Join Timyo and the Email Revolution!

With our launch date fast approaching, we can’t wait to share Timyo with the world! We are so excited in part because we have always viewed Timyo as much more than just another email app…we see it instead as the beginning of a very important conversation, as the opening salvo in a revolution that will change the way we use email. For all of its flaws (many delineated on this very blog), we believe that email is and will continue to be an important communication tool for a long time to come. Global email use is currently estimated at over… Continue reading Join Timyo and the Email Revolution!

mailbox is shutting down, give timyo a try

What the late Mailbox App scratched, Timyo reaches far beyond

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.” This quote from Alexander Graham Bell, is meant to positive and illustrate the fact that we can’t linger too long in the past, especially when there is a brighter future right in front of us. I just recently learned that the email productivity app, Mailbox, will be shutting down in the near future and to be honest, I was a little shocked. I mean, these guys were acquired… Continue reading What the late Mailbox App scratched, Timyo reaches far beyond