Zero-sum email solution featured

Help Me Help You: The Non-Zero Sum Game of Email

From the beginning, our founders Fabrice and Alfred have been clear about the fundamental problem with the email status quo: the imbalance of power between sender and recipient (which I’ve already written a bit about here, if you’d care for a quick review). To sum up, Fabrice and Alfred’s key insight was that by asking the sender to provide just a bit more information at the top of an email—namely, when he would like a response to the email and how he would like the recipient to respond—the recipient’s life becomes a whole lot easier. Our work with Timyo has… Continue reading Help Me Help You: The Non-Zero Sum Game of Email

One simple idea

One simple idea to turn the world of email on its head

When I was approached by the founders of Timyo to come on board and help them build an email app, I thought, “That sounds like fun! But…does the world really need another email app? Don’t Gmail and Microsoft already have that in the bag?” As it turns out, no, they do not have it in the bag; in fact, they, like many others, are still looking for a large enough bag to contain this problem. High Expectations What convinced me to join Timyo was the very simple premise that Timyo is based on: Allow the person sending an email to… Continue reading One simple idea to turn the world of email on its head

Email is not the problem featured

Email Is Not the Problem. We Are.

I recently reread a great article over at Gizmodo by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan: “Google Can’t Fix What’s Really Wrong With Email: Us”. The article is specifically about Google’s launch last fall of their email management tool, Inbox. However, I think the article is also useful as a broad reminder of what we really mean when we talk about the problem of email. Here’s the author’s description of Gmail Inbox: “It ‘bundles’ related emails into single-topic threads, and even adds relevant info. It gives you the ability to ‘snooze’ emails…it pulls out important info from certain emails so you don’t have to… Continue reading Email Is Not the Problem. We Are.